Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What I would like to change about myself?...

so, the first thing that i would like to change myself is my attitude. It is because i am too lazy to study and cause of my first semester pointer is very bad. I am also like to sleep a lot. If i've got free time i will sleep, if i got a pillow i also will sleep and because of that my mother called me 'ular sawa'.
I also would like to change my feeling afraid when i speak in english in front of people. I hope i can speak in english very well and fast like a rapper.haha..However, it's not easy to change it and it will take a long time to change. But i will try to become from lazy to hardworking and from afraid speak in english in front of people to brave and speak very well in front of people.

1 comment:

  1. You must have a strong determination if you want to change yourself to become a better person..Good luck!
